Court Details | |
Court's Name | District of Kansas |
Release Name | NextGen CM/ECF Release 1.7.1 (Revision |
ECF Go Live Date | December 1, 2003 |
Maximum PDF File Size (MB) | 35 |
Maximum Merge Document Size (MB) | 35 |
RSS Feed Docket entries of type: all | Entries made in the last 24 hours - Public Users |
PDF/A Compliance Required | n |
Court Locations | |
Court's Name | District of Kansas |
Court's Address | 500 State Avenue, Kansas City KS 66101 444 Southeast Quincy, Topeka KS 66683 401 North Market, Wichita KS 67202 |
Court's Phone Number | Wichita: (316)315-4110,--Kansas City: (913)735-2110,--Topeka: (785)338-5910 |
Court's Email Address | |
Court's Hours | 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. |
PACER Details | |
PACER Address | PACER Service Center, PO Box 780549, San Antonio TX 78278-0549 |
PACER Phone Number | 800-676-6856 |
PACER Email Address | |
Flag Definitions | |
Code | Translation |
707(b) | 707(b) Statment Presumed Abuse |
727OBJ | Objection to the Discharge of the Debtor |
ACTIONREQ | Redact Filed. Seal identified docs and turn off ACTIONREQ flag. |
ADDCHG | Change of Address |
ADR | Alternative Dispute Resolution |
APLBAP | Appeal to BAP Court |
APLCOA | Appeal to Court of Appeals |
APLDIST | Appeal to District Court |
APLHigher | Appeal to Higher Court |
APLSUP | Appeal to Supreme Court |
APLUSDC | Appeal to U.S.District Court |
ARCHIVED | Archived |
AUDIT-NOCLOSE | Case Selected For Audit |
BARDEBTOR | Barred Debtor |
CLAIMS | Claims have been docketed to this case |
CLOSED | Case Closed |
CONS | Consolidated Case |
CONVERTED | Case Converted |
ConPln | Consenual Plan (1191(a)) |
Conflict | Conflict |
DCNSOL | Deconsolidated |
DEFER | Fee Deferred |
DENIED | Discharge Denied |
DISMISSED | Case Dismissed |
DeBN | Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Notification Active |
DelayDischg | Delay Discharge |
DirApl | Direct Appeal to Circuit Court |
DsclsDue | Disclosure Statement Due |
EXHIBITS | Holding Case Exhibits |
ExtObjDsc | Extended Objection to Discharge |
FUNDS | Funds Deposited in Court Registry |
FederalExemption | Federal Exemption |
FeeDueINST | Installment Payment Due |
HARD | Hardship Discharge |
IFP | IFP fee Waived |
INSFUND | Insufficient Funds Check Recd |
INTP | Interpleader |
INTRA | Intra-Distict Transfer |
IneligClose | Do not redisplay case ineligible for auto close |
IneligDisch | Do not redisplay case ineligible for auto discharge |
JNTADM | Jointly Administered |
JNTADMN | Jointly Administered |
JtDeBN | Joint Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Notification Active |
LEAD | Lead Case |
LtdNOTICE | Limited Notice |
MEANSTMPEX | Temporary exclusion from means test for reservists and national guard |
MEMBER | Member of an associated case |
NCnPln | Nonconsenual Plan (1191(b)) |
NOCLOSE | Do Not Close |
NODISCH | Do Not Discharge |
NTCAPR | Notice of Appearance |
NoAutoDisch | Do not allow Auto Discharge for this case |
NoDiscDtr | Debtor Not Eligible for Discharge |
NoDiscJtDtr | Jt Debtor Not Eligible for Discharge |
OBJDSC | Objection to Discharge |
OrdAssume | Order On Request to ASSUME executory contracts and/or unexpired leases in Section 13 |
OrdAssumeDeny | Embedded Motion On Request to ASSUME exec contract/unexpired leases in Plan Section 13 - Denied |
OrdAssumeGrant | Embedded Motion On Request to ASSUME exec contract/unexpired leases in Plan Section 13 - Granted |
OrdAvoid | Order On Avoidance of a judicial lien in Section 10.5 |
OrdAvoidDeny | Embedded motion to avoid judicial lien in Plan Section 10.5 - Denied |
OrdAvoidGrant | Embedded motion to avoid judicial lien in Plan Section 10.5 - Granted |
OrdDenyConf13 | Order Denying Confirmation of Ch13 Plan |
OrdReject | Order On Request to REJECT executory contracts and/or unexpired leases in Section 13 |
OrdRejectDeny | Embedded Motion On Request to REJECT exec. contracts and/or leases in Section 13 -Denied |
OrdRejectGrant | Embedded Motion On Request to REJECT exec. contracts and/or leases in Section 13 -Granted |
OrdStay | Order On Stay Relief--Request that the stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362(a) be terminated |
OrdSurrender | Order On Request for Relief from stay regarding property to be surrendered in Section 9 |
OrdSurrenderDeny | Request For Relief from Stay Regarding Property Surrendered - Denied |
OrdSurrenderGrant | Relief from stay regarding property to be surrendered in Section 9 - Granted |
OrdValue | Order On Valuation--A limit on the amount of a secured claim, set out in Section 10.3 or 11.5 |
OrdValueDeny | Embedded Motion On Valuation in Plan Section 10.3 or 11.5 - Denied |
OrdValueGrant | Embedded Motion On Valuation in Plan Section 10.3 or 11.5 - Granted |
Ovrride | Override Preferred Address |
PRVDISCH | Previously Discharged |
PRVDISM | Previously Dismissed |
PlnAssume | Assume Executory Contracts/Leases--Request to ASSUME executory contracts and/or unexpired leases in |
PlnAvoid | Avoidance--Avoidance of a judicial lien in Section 10.5 |
PlnDue | Plan Due |
PlnReject | Reject Executory Contracts/Leases--Request to REJECT executory contracts and/or unexpired leases in |
PlnStay | Stay-Request that the stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362(a) be terminated as to collateral surrendered |
PlnSurrender | Motion for Relief from stay regarding property to be surrendered in Section 9 |
PlnValue | Valuation-A limit on the amount of a secured claim, set out in Section 10.3 or 11.5 |
ProSeESR | Opened from an eSR package |
RDYDSC | Ready to Discharge |
REAF | Reaffirmation - Prose |
REOPEN | Reopened Case |
REOPENED | Reopened Case |
REVOKD | Discharge Revoked |
Repeat | Repeat Filer |
Repeat-ksb | prior BK filing within this court |
RepeatPACER | prior BK filing identified by Pacer Case Locator |
ReqSepNtc | Debtor's Request for Separate Notice |
SEALEDDOC | Sealed Document |
SHOWCAUSE | Pending Show Cause Issue |
SMBUS | Small Business |
SPLITCASE | Joint Case Severed |
SelfRepCR | Creditor Declaration Regarding Self-Rep Filing |
SelfRepDB | Debtor Declaration Regarding Self-Rep Filing |
SelfRepDEF | Defendant Declaration Regarding Self-Rep Filing |
SelfRepPLA | Plaintiff Declaration Regarding Self-Rep Filing |
SkipPriorRelCase | Skip AJT assignment because the case has a prior or related case |
StateExemption | State Exemption |
Subchapter_V | Chapter 11, Subchapter V |
TRANSIN | Case Transferred into the District |
TRANSOUT | Case Transferred Out of District |
WTRSVREND | Withdrawal of Trustee Services Rendered |
Waive | WAIVE |
WithXMLData | A code to track cases opened with XML data |
eSR | Opened from an eSR package |