Court Information

Court Details
Court's Name District of Kansas
Release Name NextGen CM/ECF Release 1.7.1 (Revision
ECF Go Live Date December 1, 2003
Maximum PDF File Size (MB) 35
Maximum Merge Document Size (MB) 35
RSS Feed
Docket entries of type: all
Entries made in the last 24 hours - Public Users
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Court Locations
Court's Name District of Kansas
Court's Address

500 State Avenue, Kansas City KS 66101

444 Southeast Quincy, Topeka KS 66683

401 North Market, Wichita KS 67202

Court's Phone Number Wichita: (316)315-4110,--Kansas City: (913)735-2110,--Topeka: (785)338-5910
Court's Email Address
Court's Hours 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

PACER Details
PACER Address PACER Service Center, PO Box 780549, San Antonio TX 78278-0549
PACER Phone Number 800-676-6856
PACER Email Address

Flag Definitions
707(b)707(b) Statment Presumed Abuse
727OBJObjection to the Discharge of the Debtor
ACTIONREQRedact Filed. Seal identified docs and turn off ACTIONREQ flag.
ADDCHGChange of Address
ADRAlternative Dispute Resolution
APLBAPAppeal to BAP Court
APLCOAAppeal to Court of Appeals
APLDISTAppeal to District Court
APLHigherAppeal to Higher Court
APLSUPAppeal to Supreme Court
APLUSDCAppeal to U.S.District Court
AUDIT-NOCLOSECase Selected For Audit
BARDEBTORBarred Debtor
CLAIMSClaims have been docketed to this case
CLOSEDCase Closed
CONSConsolidated Case
CONVERTEDCase Converted
ConPlnConsenual Plan (1191(a))
DEFERFee Deferred
DENIEDDischarge Denied
DISMISSEDCase Dismissed
DeBNDebtor Electronic Bankruptcy Notification Active
DelayDischgDelay Discharge
DirAplDirect Appeal to Circuit Court
DsclsDueDisclosure Statement Due
EXHIBITSHolding Case Exhibits
ExtObjDscExtended Objection to Discharge
FUNDSFunds Deposited in Court Registry
FederalExemptionFederal Exemption
FeeDueINSTInstallment Payment Due
HARDHardship Discharge
IFPIFP fee Waived
INSFUNDInsufficient Funds Check Recd
INTRAIntra-Distict Transfer
IneligCloseDo not redisplay case ineligible for auto close
IneligDischDo not redisplay case ineligible for auto discharge
JNTADMJointly Administered
JNTADMNJointly Administered
JtDeBNJoint Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Notification Active
LEADLead Case
LtdNOTICELimited Notice
MEANSTMPEXTemporary exclusion from means test for reservists and national guard
MEMBERMember of an associated case
NCnPlnNonconsenual Plan (1191(b))
NODISCHDo Not Discharge
NTCAPRNotice of Appearance
NoAutoDischDo not allow Auto Discharge for this case
NoDiscDtrDebtor Not Eligible for Discharge
NoDiscJtDtrJt Debtor Not Eligible for Discharge
OBJDSCObjection to Discharge
OrdAssumeOrder On Request to ASSUME executory contracts and/or unexpired leases in Section 13
OrdAssumeDenyEmbedded Motion On Request to ASSUME exec contract/unexpired leases in Plan Section 13 - Denied
OrdAssumeGrantEmbedded Motion On Request to ASSUME exec contract/unexpired leases in Plan Section 13 - Granted
OrdAvoidOrder On Avoidance of a judicial lien in Section 10.5
OrdAvoidDenyEmbedded motion to avoid judicial lien in Plan Section 10.5 - Denied
OrdAvoidGrantEmbedded motion to avoid judicial lien in Plan Section 10.5 - Granted
OrdDenyConf13Order Denying Confirmation of Ch13 Plan
OrdRejectOrder On Request to REJECT executory contracts and/or unexpired leases in Section 13
OrdRejectDenyEmbedded Motion On Request to REJECT exec. contracts and/or leases in Section 13 -Denied
OrdRejectGrantEmbedded Motion On Request to REJECT exec. contracts and/or leases in Section 13 -Granted
OrdStayOrder On Stay Relief--Request that the stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362(a) be terminated
OrdSurrenderOrder On Request for Relief from stay regarding property to be surrendered in Section 9
OrdSurrenderDenyRequest For Relief from Stay Regarding Property Surrendered - Denied
OrdSurrenderGrantRelief from stay regarding property to be surrendered in Section 9 - Granted
OrdValueOrder On Valuation--A limit on the amount of a secured claim, set out in Section 10.3 or 11.5
OrdValueDenyEmbedded Motion On Valuation in Plan Section 10.3 or 11.5 - Denied
OrdValueGrantEmbedded Motion On Valuation in Plan Section 10.3 or 11.5 - Granted
OvrrideOverride Preferred Address
PRVDISCHPreviously Discharged
PRVDISMPreviously Dismissed
PlnAssumeAssume Executory Contracts/Leases--Request to ASSUME executory contracts and/or unexpired leases in
PlnAvoidAvoidance--Avoidance of a judicial lien in Section 10.5
PlnDuePlan Due
PlnRejectReject Executory Contracts/Leases--Request to REJECT executory contracts and/or unexpired leases in
PlnStayStay-Request that the stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362(a) be terminated as to collateral surrendered
PlnSurrenderMotion for Relief from stay regarding property to be surrendered in Section 9
PlnValueValuation-A limit on the amount of a secured claim, set out in Section 10.3 or 11.5
ProSeESROpened from an eSR package
RDYDSCReady to Discharge
REAFReaffirmation - Prose
REOPENReopened Case
REOPENEDReopened Case
REVOKDDischarge Revoked
RepeatRepeat Filer
Repeat-ksbprior BK filing within this court
RepeatPACERprior BK filing identified by Pacer Case Locator
ReqSepNtcDebtor's Request for Separate Notice
SEALEDDOCSealed Document
SHOWCAUSEPending Show Cause Issue
SMBUSSmall Business
SPLITCASEJoint Case Severed
SelfRepCRCreditor Declaration Regarding Self-Rep Filing
SelfRepDBDebtor Declaration Regarding Self-Rep Filing
SelfRepDEFDefendant Declaration Regarding Self-Rep Filing
SelfRepPLAPlaintiff Declaration Regarding Self-Rep Filing
SkipPriorRelCaseSkip AJT assignment because the case has a prior or related case
StateExemptionState Exemption
Subchapter_VChapter 11, Subchapter V
TRANSINCase Transferred into the District
TRANSOUTCase Transferred Out of District
WTRSVRENDWithdrawal of Trustee Services Rendered
WithXMLDataA code to track cases opened with XML data
eSROpened from an eSR package

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